Our lifestyle choices affect how rapidly the aging process progresses and can even affect atrophy in very advanced age. Your skin is equally affected by your physical health, and by your emotional, and mental states, therefore you can view your skin as more than simply a covering that needs cleansing and moisturizing. It is a vital organ with the gift of silent and intelligent communication.

It is extremely useful to pay attention to and learn the language of the skin, not only to look better but also to improve your overall state of wellness. The skin as a vital organ cannot be excessively stripped mechanically or treated with acids, injected with chemicals, or cut, stretched and sewn, without consequences. Likewise, what you eat, drink, and breathe, and how you exercise your body, or not, will have consequences for your health as much as for your skin. Skincare is caring for your entire body. That is why it is truly a “holistic proposition”. Anything else is a shortcut with potentially undesirable consequences. Many clients choose to complement their medical skincare procedures with holistic treatments, which enables the client to maintain their sought-after results.

Here are 7 behaviors you can put into practice right now:

Hydrate – 75 percent of Americans are dehydrated, and most don’t even realize it. Aside from thirst symptoms include headache, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, lethargy with symptoms scaling up to more serious signs – rapid heartbeat, fever, loss of skin elasticity, constipation. Add our ionic minerals to your water to maintain internal hydration that will be reflected in your supple, glowing skin.

Meditate – Brain health is our single greatest asset because our health and vitality actually begin in the brain – the “control center” responsible for directing the operations of our entire body. Factors that lead to the loss of brain tissue include oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, hormone dysfunction and impaired microcirculation – all of which impact the skin. Join us for our Online 21-Day Meditation.

Walk – Walking gets your lymphatic system moving – impaired lymphatic flow accelerates the aging process and compromises the immune system. Facilitating movement of lymph fluid in the body will help us to look and feel younger longer.

Mineralize – We all lose minerals as we age or live in stressful environmental conditions. Certain minerals are needed to hold hydration in the skin. Without them, creams won’t help. Skin can’t be properly hydrated without a sufficient mineral delivery system.

Antioxidants – It is a well-established fact that antioxidants slow the aging process. Researchers estimate that 80 to 90 percent of all degenerative diseases involve free radical activity. Antioxidants lessen free radical activity damage like our Ageless La Cure skincare, which if formulated with all sorts of efficient plant-based antioxidants which combat mutating cells that cause signs of aging skin.

Elevate Your Attitude – When we focus on the power of the mind and attitude and how we may harness it for more uplifting, vitality filled lives, we discover this positivity matters at all ages. Our mind body connection assists with our immune system and our emotions are like nutrients that may give rise to increased health or physical deterioration.

Mind your Gut Health – Epidemiological researchers have recently proven there is direct link between gut health and skin health. Probiotics can restore skin PH, alleviate oxidative stress and attenuate sun damage among many other benefits but probiotics are only one small piece to the microbiome – we need a well-balanced diet.


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