One of the important functions of drainage is the natural transport of waste products away from the tissues.

The human body contains five fluids essential to the proper healthy functioning of the body. They are:

  1. energy
  2. red blood
  3. lymph
  4. blue blood
  5. water

Stagnation of any of the fluids causes health issues that reflect how we look and feel. In our face, we see it by how we look tired, dragged down, or holding fluid under our eyes.

We move lymphatic fluid ourselves on a daily bases by exercising, laughing (a BIG belly laugh, not a little giggle), and massaging. Moving lymphatic fluid is what keeps our immune system healthy and prevents the first line of defense for us to have a compromised immune system that shows up with allergies, skin reactions, digestive imbalances, and more. To be able to stimulate or balance at will any of the five fluids in a totally non-invasive way has enormous potential.

We move lymphatic fluid ourselves on a daily bases by exercising, laughing (a BIG belly laugh, not a little giggle), and massage. Moving lymphatic fluid is what keeps our immune system healthy and prevents the first line of defense for us to have a compromised immune system that shows up with allergies, skin reactions, digestive imbalances and more. To be able to stimulate or balance at will any of the five fluids in a totally non-invasive way has enormous potential.

More information about the importance of lymphatic stimulation: 

Imagine for a moment that our lymphatic system is a river of flowing water when we keep it moving, flowing and free of debris it is clear and clean like a running river. When the river becomes stagnant and something prevents it from moving, maybe a fallen tree limb, you see that the river becomes filled microbes, pollen, mold and it is motionless capturing all that falls into it. This causes things to grow and often the water becomes muddy. Stagnation of any of the fluids causes health issues that reflect on how we look and feel.

Stagnation causes these following imbalances that show on our skin:

  1. Acne
  2. Cellulite
  3. Rosacea
  4. Rashes
  5. Edema

Stimulating the lymphatic system will assist our bodies with releasing toxins gently from our system and uncovering improved elasticity, tone, texture of our skin.

Everything is alive and every part of a living organism vibrates according to its own specific characteristics. Each fluid has its specific range of vibrations as well.

Just as the energy of each of the seven major chakras corresponds to one of the seven colors that constitute natural light, each of the five fluids corresponds to a specific color from the visible spectrum. This is because colors have their specific range of frequencies and those ranges are in vibrational harmony with the frequencies of the fluids.

To be able to stimulate or balance at will any of the five fluids in a totally non-invasive way has enormous potential.

And it is possible to target any one of the fluids by using specific colors of light using our Chromatherapy light machine known as the Chromapuncteur™ combined with the Biodraineur™ (drainage machine). The two pieces of equipment can be simply connected.

The mechanical function of the drainage machine (suction/repulsion within the glass cups connected to the pumps) stimulates the fluid movement while the light machine targets the selected fluid.

The selection of the proper light for a drainage relies on the principle of complementary of colors. For the moment, it is important to note that fluids are matter and that to each color of matter corresponds a specific energy.

The energy of red matter, for example, is green, the complementary color of red. The energy of green matter is the complementary color—red light.

As a result:

  • Green light targets the fluid of Fire (red blood)
  • Yellow light targets the fluid of Metal (blue blood)
  • Red light targets the fluid of Wood(energy)
  • Blue light targets the fluid of Earth (lymph)

When it comes to water, the orange color has proven to be the most effective, therefore orange light targets the fluid of Water (water).

An energetic drainage is actually a balancing of the energy that commands the flow of the targeted fluid.

Imagine what can be achieved during an energetic stimulation of water or of blue blood on someone with heavy legs or someone suffering from water retention or poor venous circulation. The result is immediately visible, felt, and sustained.

Seventy plus percent of the body weight is fluid and the proper flow of fluids is essential to health and beauty. Proper stimulation of fluids in a totally holistic, natural, and non-invasive way provides a quantum jump in maintaining wellness.

This modality can be easily included in face or body treatments while personalized according to the client’s needs. For example, it is possible to calm down an overly reddish face by balancing the superficial red blood circulation on the face. The same equipment, with large cups, can be used to reduce fluid retention in the legs.

There are some contraindications to drainage, such as fever, bacterial infections/flu, infected sinuses, active cancer, hemorrhaging, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, tuberculosis, and thrombosis.

There are also other conditions requiring special attention such as pregnancy and heavy menstruation. If in doubt, consult with your doctor. If your body is very toxic, which is very common with people who fall into the Earth category of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we advise performing drainage on the entire body in two (or more) sessions since toxins that are released too quickly over a large surface might induce fatigue and headaches.

It is always imperative to drink plenty of water before and after any body drainage treatment.

The energetic drainage is not painful. In fact, it’s quite pleasant and relaxing and most feel rejuvenated at the end of a drainage treatment.

Source: Energetic Skincare, Naturally by PHYTO5® President Jon Canas

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More information about the importance of lymphatic stimulation:

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