Pomegranate holds many unexpected benefits and one of them is assisting with eliminating cellulite.
Anti-cellulite ingredient Delipidol (derived from pomegranate) is a potent ingredient in our Earth element Yogi Body Gel. Delipidol is proven to significantly reduce fat nodes present in the thighs (through lipolysis) after only 28 days of treatment with effects more than doubled after 56 days of twice a day application.
“Delipidol® is a unique and patented molecule obtained by a biotechnological process without solvent, from punicic acid, an omega 5 fatty acid from pomegranate seed oil (Punica granatum) and tyrosol.”
Punicic acid from pomegranate was selected for its ability to reduce lipid accumulation while serving in both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity. Punicic acid was then combined with tyrosol, which was similarly chosen for its antioxidant effects. Tyrosol, derived from the aromatic amino acid tyrosine, is an antioxidant that is naturally present in several foods such as wine and green tea. Tyrosol is most abundant in olives. The antioxidant is present in the leaves, fruit, and in the oil of the plant. It is classified as a phenolic antioxidant.
A double blind study on 19 volunteers found that twice daily application to the thighs of a cream containing 1% Delipidol resulted in a 4% decrease of fat nodes after 28 days of treatment and a 9% decrease of fat nodes after 56 days of treatment, in comparison with a placebo.
When you combine our Body Contouring Treatments with home care you begin to shine a light on the underlying imbalances and inevitably see remarkable results. Our Body Contouring Treatments are done in a series of 3 | 5 | 10 to create a systematic approach to stimulating our lymphatic system and uncovering addressing inflammation, gentle detoxification, moving toxicity and improving tightening, toning and firming. Every treatment works on our 5 fluids to energetically shift our well-being working on the inside to see results on the outside.
Concluded from this study, Delipidol’s activity against free radicals contributed to the limitation of cellulite progression.
Delipidol is referred to as a ‘cosmetic bomb’ that decreases ‘orange peel skin’ by reducing fat nodes. For these reasons, our skincare line has incorporated Delipidol into the contouring boosting product, Earth element Yogi Body Gel.
Pomegranate itself is touted as an anti-aging fruit that may also prevent hardening of the arteries. Important components of pomegranate are anthocyanins, catechins, ellagic acid, manganese and potassium.
Anthocyanins (derived from Greek meaning “flower” and “blue”) are natural plant pigments. Anthocyanins are what makes pomegranates red, blueberries blue, and blackberries black. The darker the pigment of the food, the more anthocyanins are present. Anthocyanins belong to the flavonoid class of molecules and are essentially, antioxidants, protecting against free radical cell damage which causes aging and disease. Research shows that the juice of pomegranate has two to three times the antioxidant capacity of the same amount of red wine or green tea.
Catechins are a type of organic compound known as phenols. It is abundant in tea, cocoa and berries and they have very potent antioxidant activity also.
Ellagic acid, a compound and micronutrient found in fruits and nuts, protects the body from environmental toxins.
Manganese is a trace mineral or salt important for everyday skin health as it plays a significant role in collagen production. Manganese is involved in the synthesis of vitamin B1. It acts against free radicals and has soothing, calming and protective properties. It aids in protection of the skin against oxidation and damages caused as a result of exposure to ultraviolet light by functioning as an antioxidant.
Potassium helps keep hormone levels in check leading to more beautiful unstressed, lively looking skin. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
Earth element Yogi Body Gel is formulated according to the Five Element Theory of traditional Chinese medicine to balance the Earth conditions of toxicity. If your skin is well in balance taking into account what is normal for your age, you can effectively use Earth Yogi Body Gel during the periods between the other four energetic seasons. See seasonal/skin conditions key complete with seasonal dates here.
Because of the quantum nature of this essential oil rich product, it is also excellent for bringing you to balance when you get caught up in the downward spiral of excessive rumination. The synergistic essential oils in this gel will support you to move out of a feeling of stuckness, paving the way for creativity and productivity.
Earth Yogi Body Gel is also formulated with green tea, biosaccharides,* aloe, apricot oil and essential oils of lemon, sweet orange, eucalyptus and cypress.
As depicted in the picture above, organic certified Contouring Serum plus Earth Yogi Body Gel are a potent combination for contouring treatment.
* A type of polysaccharide made by fermenting plants; a moisturizing and skin soothing ingredient which works by binding water to the epidermis thereby creating a moisture-binding film on the skin creating a soft, smooth feeling