How Often Should You Experience One of Our Facials?

How often should we get a facial depends on several factors—our skin type, skin condition, skin care goals, budget, age, and location. If we want to take good care of our skin, booking a professional facial once a month is ideal. Why? The skin is a living organ, and...

Let’s catch it at the whisper.

If we can capture messages at the whispers, wouldn’t that be the best time to make a change? We are usually sent messages that can prevent us from experiencing the kick in the pants, but do we listen? Are we too busy to even know it is a whisper? Each of us has...

Our Primordial Meditation Class Sessions

“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quite that’s already there – buried under the 50,000 thoughts that the average person thinks every day”  Primordial Sound is easily learned in two sessions...

Gratitude as a Lifestyle Cultivates Wellness

Gratitude is an immensely powerful force that we can use to expand our happiness, create loving relationships, and even improve our health. Many scientific studies, including research by renowned psychologists Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough, have found that...

S.T.O.P. and make Conscious Choices

STOP and Make Conscious Choices When you feel like you’re on the verge of slipping back into unhealthy patterns and old habits, use the formula based on the acronym STOP to shift your state of awareness and make more nourishing, conscious choices.   S: Stop. T:...

How to Nourish, Protect & Care for Your Skin During the Winter

There are many areas of how and why we need to nourish our skin during seasonal changes and at many overlook how dehydrated we become during the winter. Our water intake may decline as the temperature falls and we are in an indoor environment that can rob of us...

Minerals… it takes more than just magnesium

The Power of Minerals The BodiScience Trace Mineral Drops has 72 ionic trace minerals in every concentrate for many health and wellness reasons. Chemical and electrical processes are occurring within the body at every moment. For the body to function optimally the...

Our Immune System Should be like a Vault

Building a Healthy Immune System to be like a Vault An Ayurvedic Guide to Strengthening Ojas We’ve all experienced the disappointment of having to put everything on hold when our bodies crash and our health deteriorates, usually just when we think we can least afford...

Self-Massage Improve Our Immunity And Much More…

How to Perform an Abhyanga Self-Massage (Oil Massage) Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic oil massage that soothes the two master system of the body: the nervous system and the endocrine system. Ayurveda recommends a daily morning massage to help you begin your day feeling...
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